Growing Things

By Pastor Danielle


This is the season for growing things.

Our family is part of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program in which we purchase part of a farm share for the season.

When a crop is plentiful, we share in the bounty and it shows up in the box of veggies we pick up every week. And conversely, if there is drought or blight, we share in the risk. Each week we get an e-letter that tells us all about life on the farm covering topics like irrigation, crop rotations, growth patterns and an update on the community and family life of the farmers. After reading the latest installment I found myself walking through our urban landscape, overflowing with gratitude.

Even though I am physically not present, I am part of making things grow.

As we find ourselves in the middle of summer, our Advent community is scattered all over the world. People are visiting family and friends, vacationing, exploring, making memories at summer camp, soaking up sun on NY beaches, and working extra seasonal jobs. No matter where you find yourself this summer, remember that this is still a season for growing things. And even when you are not physically present, here at Advent you are part of making things grow.

You are here as we gather for worship and come to the communion table, on Sunday morning and afternoon and Wednesday evenings.

Your generosity makes possible the feeding of our community through our Food Pantry and Community Lunch Ministries. (In June alone, we had approximately 200 guests at Community Lunch.)

Your prayers strengthen us as we prepare to celebrate Vacation Bible School with children from our neighborhood.

Your engagement, when powered by the Holy Spirit, is part of making things grow. Whether it is the prayerful distilling work of our Vision Process, the upcoming Strategic Teams Retreat or Coney Island Congregational Retreat, the work of the Call Committee in the midst of transition, our Summer Singers, our youth headed to Pinecrest Lutheran Leadership Camp, or one of the other myriad of life-giving ministries at Advent, the Spirit is moving! And things are happening! And God is here.

As you travel this summer, remember that you are part of a season of growth here at Advent. We welcome your prayers, your connections, and you support. If you haven't already considered setting up an online regular donation to support Advent's ministry, we encourage you to do so now here.

With Gratitude,

Pastor Danielle