10am Sunday Morning Worship on 12/24


We're changing our Sunday morning worship times for one day only on Sunday, December 24 -- Christmas Eve. They are:

10am Worship in English

12pm Worship in Spanish


This Advent season, the unthinkable is happening. The last Sunday of the Advent season and Christmas Eve fall on the same day.

What’s this mean? Are we having six worship services in one day?

First, we are still having three Christmas Eve services: 5:30pm for families, 8pm candelight, and 10:30pm in Spanish. Learn more about these services here.

On the morning of Sunday, December 24, we saw a special opportunity to bring people together. Ever thought how you never see those myserious people who worship at 9am, or at 11am? Now you can! On Sunday morning, December 24, there is no 9am or 11am worship. There is one 10am worship for all. Our Spanish service will move to 12pm. It’s pretty radical, but we can change our schedules for one day to gather all together, right? It is Christmas, after all!


Also, check out our three Christmas Eve Services that evening.